
James Hawk

Engine Programmer at CCP Games, working on EVE Online. Indie developer working on HawkEngine and PS1 style 3D platformer. Unity 3D asset creator.

An engine focussed on distributed design and asynchronous patterns

HawkEngine is being designed along side my game project ChaosTheDevil. It is designed to offer a flexible system which can scale as a project grows. HawkEngine contains interfaces aimed at game development, however the core of the engine can be used for any micro-service style application.

Distributed design

Hawk Engine uses a micro-service approach to game development where each game component is treated as a separate micro-system.

Each service can communicate with other services in a process, locally, or across network.

The engine allows you to clearly isolate small segments of complex systems to speed up development.

Common components used to make the larger systems can be easily reused, aiding development efficiency.

Dev role separation

  • Core engine programming written platform agnostically in c++. Responsible for core features, memory management, game loop and interfaces
  • Component implementation written in c++. Responsible for component interface implementation to create functionality for features like graphics devices and physics engines.
  • Component scripting written in lua. Responsible for utilising components, adding custom game scripting and overall game design.

Implicitly Parallel

Hawk Engine calculates component relationships at load to produce execution order.

Components are then split into layers which respect update order.

Components in the same layer update asynchronously without input from the designer.

Designer can override load layer to refine thread load.

All synchrony can be turned off to simplify debugging.

Separated tooling

Hawk Engine offers a generic solution for any game genre.

Gui tooling is supported via exposed hooks.

Targeted gui editors for your game title create more manageable and efficient game development workflows.


Hawk Engine is currently not scheduled for release.

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